Greetings kings, queens, and jack-asses.
Hope you are having an amazing week, full of strange surprises. This week we went Wall climbing on Thursday night, chilled and played some table tennis on Saturday, and went to have a hot pot buffet in Jhongli with Gail and her crew on Sunday.
Look at Cliff go round and round.
Tim is showing us with his fingers that he has two girls with him. These luvley ladies were not shy to show some interest in the African boys, saying things like: "Your eyes are beautiful". But don't worry, we didn't fall for their sly underage tricks. We interrogated them until they told us that they were 16 and 13 yrs old. Amateurs!

So wall climbing on Thursday, was pretty awesome. It was a nice indoor building, and you climb up to the roof using the little randomly shaped hand holds. It really worked my hand and forearm muscles, and they were complaining for the next 3 days.

This instant coffee is pretty magical, and not afraid to blow its own trumpet. (as you can see by the description.
Tim enjoying a chicken foot at the hot pot buffet. It was actually pretty good. There is a bit of cartlidge in it, but its not too tough, so you can just chew it up. I reckon most of the flavor comes from boiling it in a soup or sauce, before ingestion.
The nice thing about a buffet, is that you can try a little bit of the crazy stuff, instead of ordering a whole plate of it. Tim takes us on a tour of the main course stuff above.

The way a "Hot Pot" works, is that each person has their own cooker, with a bowl of spiced water on it, at the table. Then you go and collect your raw or semi-cooked meat, seafood, vegetables... and you throw them into your bowl of spiced water at the table. You boil you own food, and eat it as it is ready. At the end, all your veggies and meat have infused into the water, and created a tasty soup which you can enjoy. This buffet also had sushi, puddings, cakes, waffles, ice-cream, drinks, and coffee (although i ended up with hot green milk tea, when i tried to get coffee from the machine, due to my lack of mandarin). So we had a feast.
In Taiwan, its difficult to find good, wholesome, wholewheat, unsweetened bread. Bread is more of a sweet snack or cake dessert here. But this was pretty radical. A tri-colour bread with hint of blueberry and strawberry, although it scored more points for aesthetics than taste.
Our fairly new mugs, acting as bodygaurd for the rare species of bread in the photo. The weather has cooled down quite a bit, and could even be classified as "damn cold" on the scooter on some days. This has however allowed us to enjoy hot drinks again, so we are busy sipping on our "trumpet-blowing coffee" (as mentioned) and
"futuristic lipton tea" (see video below (apologies! da sownd quilaty iz ass bad es dis speling))
Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
Gotta love the rubbish truck in the background of the video :-)